NLX 1054
Number of cylinders 4
Displacement(l) 4330
Power, kW (hp) 77.7 (105)
Traction force on the hook, kN 32.87
NLX 1404
Number of cylinders: 6
Volume(L): 7.9
Engine power(hp): 140
0,00 €
NLX 1054
Number of cylinders 4
Displacement(l) 4330
Power, kW (hp) 77.7 (105)
Traction force on the hook, kN 32.87
NLX 1404
Number of cylinders: 6
Volume(L): 7.9
Engine power(hp): 140
Out of stock
NLX 1054
Number of cylinders 4
Displacement(l) 4330
Power, kW (hp) 77.7 (105)
Traction force on the hook, kN 32.87
NLX 1404
Number of cylinders: 6
Volume(L): 7.9
Engine power(hp): 140